Progress ON The JOnas JOhnson Series

It’s been a while since I’ve made a blog post but never fear, I am here, working hard on my new series. Things are coming along well and I am excited about this new series. The first book, Message At The Deep is opening up well. One thing I do struggle with is the voice and tone of the first book in a series. Each book and each series has its own style, voice and tone and it wasn’t until I’d gotten to the seventh chapter that the style and voice in this series truly started to reveal itself to me. This is science fiction but there are medieval elements of knighthood in it as well, which makes it an unusual balance when it comes to tone and style. Trust me to embark on a project that makes little sense!

I don’t anticipate the first book’s release until the fall of this year. I do plan to publish a partial chapter on my blog and if you are on the mailing list (it’s a good idea! Get on the mailing list) I will be publishing two chapters for subscribers. Look for that sometime in the spring. I am also working on a fantasy short story. Look for its release in February. I will only be releasing the short story to subscribers, so sign up for the mailing list! Happy reading!


Cha, Cha,Cha, cha, Changes. . .


ON Philosophy